Default pedal position, Beaming slant factor/min. slant/max. slant, Open” single staves – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 563: Justify last staff, Hide muted sequences/tracks, Show alias, Allow alias editing, Alternate repeat symbols
Chapter 16
Score Editor
Default Pedal Position
This determines the vertical position of pedal symbols which are created and displayed
automatically when you use the MIDI sustain pedal during a real time recording. If this
parameter is set to zero, the recorded MIDI sustain pedal controller events will be
hidden in the score. Pedal marks inserted from the Part box are not affected by this
Beaming Slant Factor/Min. Slant/Max. Slant
These three parameters affect the slant angle of beams. As with the Spacing
parameters, these parameters work together. Appropriate settings need to be found by
trying different combinations. The final settings will vary, depending on the style of the
music, and on personal preference.
Beaming Slant Factor: determines the general amount of beam slanting in relation to
the intervals of the notes connected by beams.
Min. Slant: determines the minimum interval of notes that causes beams to be slanted.
Max. Slant: determines the maximum beaming slant angle.
These parameters always work relative to a particular score situation, which is why no
absolute instructions on how to set them can be given. Again, it is essential to try
different combinations when working on the final layout of a piece.
“Open” Single Staves
Displays single staves without vertical lines at their start point (left side of the clef ).
Justify Last Staff
Lengthens the last line (in full scores the last staff system) to the right page margin.
Hide Muted Sequences/Tracks
Excludes muted Regions, or Regions on muted tracks, from the score display. If these
options are not activated, muted tracks and Regions will be displayed in the score even
though they won’t be heard during MIDI playback.
Show Alias
Switches the display of alia (see “Aliases in the Score Display” on page 479) in the score
on or off.
Allow Alias Editing
Switches Alias Editing (see “Aliases in the Score Display” on page 479) on or off.
Alternate Repeat Symbols
If this option is activated, all repeat signs in the song will be displayed with the so
called “Real Book Style” brackets.