Extended layout parameters – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 569

Chapter 16
Score Editor
Extended Layout Parameters
This is where you define certain display settings for the whole song, like staff line
thickness, stem length, distance between notes and ties, or notes and dots, and so on
To open this window, select Layout > Extended Layout Parameters.
The first eight parameters determine the line thickness of the following objects: stave
lines, stems, ledger lines, bar lines, repeat, and end lines, tuplet brackets, text boxes (for
boxed Text Styles) and crescendi/decrescendi (this last parameter also affects line
objects and arrows).
Bar Start Spacing/Bar End Spacing changes the relative distance between the first and
last note of a bar and the preceding or subsequent bar line. Please note: To change the
default settings of these parameters only makes sense if rather extreme settings have
been chosen for the general Spacing parameters in the Global Format window.
Dot/Note Distance determines the distance between the note heads and dots for
dotted notes. Dot/Dot Distance refers to double dotted notes.
Acc./Note Distance allows you to globally alter the horizontal distance of accidentals
from the corresponding note heads. The default setting should only be changed if e.g.,
very small values are used for the spacing parameters, which results in a very small
distance between notes. This global setting can also be combined with the local
Accidental Distance parameter of individual notes, in the Note Attributes (see “Note
Attributes” on page 548) window.
Acc./Acc. Distance allows you to globally alter the horizontal distance between several
accidentals in chords.
Stem length is the default setting for stem length.
Hor. Tie Position and Vert. Tie Position determine the distances between note heads and
related ties (which are displayed automatically). There is also a parameter for Tie
Thickness as well as Slur Thickness.
Chord Symbol Alignment determines the general horizontal alignment of chord symbols
(see “Handling Chord Symbols” on page 583) whose Align parameter is set to def
(default) in relation to their bar position.
Chord Symbol Accidental Scale changes the accidental size in relation to the font size
setting: Positive values result in an increased size, negative values in a diminished size
of chord symbol accidentals.