Playback parameters, Re-assigning an alias, Alias and real regions – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 156: Search functions for an original or alias, Orphan” aliases

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Chapter 3

Arrange Window

Playback Parameters

Although an alias is a “slave” of the original, it has its own playback parameters. The
exception is the original’s quantization parameters, which have a special status and
always apply to aliases too.

Re-assigning an Alias

The MIDI > Alias > Re-Assign function assigns a new original Region to an existing alias.
Both the alias and the intended new original Region must be selected before using this

Alias and Real Regions

Search Functions for an Original or Alias

Finding the Original of an Alias
If you have forgotten where the original is for a certain alias, select the alias, and
choose the MIDI > Alias > Select Original function, which will find and select the original
Region. Another method is described in the “Contents Visible in MIDI Regions” section
on page 172.

Finding the Alias of an Original
Conversely, you can select the original of a particular Region, and find any aliases
you’ve made from it. Select MIDI > Alias > Select All Aliases of Region. All existing aliases
will then be found and selected.

“Orphan” Aliases

If you erase a Region that one or more aliases were created from, Logic will display the
following warning message:

One or more Aliases are made from Regions to be cleared! Do you still want to clear these?

“Don’t Clear” cancels the erase procedure, while “Clear” deletes the Region. If you do
this, it makes no sense to keep the aliases after you’ve deleted the original. As Logic
doesn’t do this for you, you could end up with “orphan” aliases—aliases without an
original. Although such Regions serve no useful purpose, Logic doesn’t automatically
delete them, as you might decide to assign them to new originals at a later stage.

Selecting All Orphan Aliases
MIDI > Alias > Select All Orphan Aliases selects all aliases that reference original Regions
that no longer exist.

Deleting Orphan Aliases
MIDI > Alias > Delete All Orphan Aliases deletes all aliases that no longer have originals.
You can use this function to tidy up after deleting a number of Regions, as this may
possibly leave several unnecessary aliases in your song file.