Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 693
Filter button Buttons in the Event List/Track Mixer, that allow you to hide/show
specific event types/channel strip types.
filter slope The filter slope is the steepness, or severity, of filter attenuation. As
examples, a filter slope of 6 dB per octave would sound much softer than a filter slope
of 12 dB per octave.
Find field In many Logic windows you find a field with rounded corners and a
magnifying glass in the left corner. This field allows you to perform text searches. You
can for example find the Find field in the Key Commands window or Apple Loop
Finger tool Tool (as used in the Matrix Editor, for example) that looks like a hand with
an extended index finger. This tool allows you to manipulate the length of events or
perform other operations in other areas of the program.
FireWire Apple’s trademark name for the IEEE 1394 standard. A fast and versatile
interface, for example used to connect audio interfaces to computers. FireWire is well
suited to applications that move large amounts of data, and can be used to connect
hard disks, scanners, and other kinds of computer peripherals.
flanger The flanger effect is similar to the chorus effect, where a slightly delayed signal
(which is shorter than that of the Chorus) is fed back into the delay line input. Flanging
makes a sound thicker, and slightly “out of phase”.
float window Window with special status which always “floats” on the surface above
all other windows, but can only be operated with the mouse. Any Logic window can be
opened as a float window by holding down Option while opening it.
Folder A Folder is a container for Regions in the Arrange window. It can contain other
Folders or Regions, much like a folder in the Finder can contain other folders or files.
You can imagine a folder as a song within a song. The inside of a folder looks just like
the Arrange area and Track List in a song. Within a song track, a folder looks like a MIDI
Region with a dotted surface. Folders can be relocated, resized, looped, and aliased just
like Regions. You can create Folders within other Folders, and can think of them as
levels within an arrangement.
frame Unit of time. A second in the SMPTE standard is divided into frames that
correspond to a single still image in a file or video.
Freeze function The Freeze function performs individual offline bounce processes for
each “frozen” track, saving almost 100% of the CPU power used for software
instruments and effect plug-ins. All plug-ins of a track (including software instrument
plug-ins, if applicable, along with all related automation data) are rendered into a
“Freeze file”. You can use the Freeze function on individual Audio or Audio Instrument