Midi – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 629
Chapter 21
Song Settings and Preferences
When Beginning: Record Pre-roll
If enabled, this parameter allows you to set a pre-roll time in seconds and milliseconds.
When recording, this value will be deducted from the current song position.
Merge new recording with selected Region
After each recording, all newly-recorded data is merged with all selected Regions on
the recorded track, to form one Region. When Merge new recording… is activated,
Merge only new Regions in cycle record is automatically activated as well.
Merge only new Regions in cycle record
When recording in Cycle mode, this function merges all data recorded during
subsequent cycles to the Region recorded during the first cycle. It can be used
independently of Merge new recording with selected Regions.
Auto demix by channel if multitrack recording
This setting switches between the two multitrack recording modes.
MIDI data reduction
Controller events are thinned out during recording, to reduce the data load on the MIDI
bus during playback. This improves the timing of dense arrangements when using
interfaces with only a few MIDI ports. The function actually reduces the duration of
controller events, using an intelligent algorithm which retains the value at the end of a
succession of controller messages.