Goto commands, Making selections, Selecting the whole audio file – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 392: Manual selection, To change the boundaries of a selection, Moving a selection, The selection parameter box

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Chapter 11

Sample Editor

GoTo Commands

The scroll bars along the bottom and right edges of the Sample Edit window scroll
through the detailed waveform display in the usual way.

If you’re trying to reach a specific point in the audio file, some of the keyboard short-
cuts listed below may be of use to you. You can define your own keystrokes for these
commands in the Key Commands window (see “Key Commands” on page 44).

These commands move the corresponding point to the center of the waveform display.

Goto Selection Start

Goto Selection End

Goto Region Start

Goto Region End

Goto Region Anchor

Making Selections

Selecting the Whole Audio File

You can select the entire audio file with the Edit > Select All function, or Command-A.

Manual Selection

To select a particular section of an audio file, click-hold on the start or end of the area
you want to select, and move the mouse to the right or left.

To Change the Boundaries of a Selection

Shift-clicking on a selection changes its existing start and end points. The proximity of
your click to the beginning/end of the selection determines whether you change the
start point or end point boundary. The closest one wins…

Changing the Farthest Selection Limit
If you hold down Option-Shift, the more distant selection boundary is changed (rather
than the nearer).

Moving a Selection

Option-click, and dragging shifts the whole selection, without changing its length.

The Selection Parameter Box

The start point and length of the current selection are shown in the Selection
Parameter box. The format depends on the display setting in the View menu.