Show/hide channel strip only, Reset functions, For hanging notes—panic function – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 173: Unwanted modulation—controller reset, If some sounds are suddenly too quiet—volume reset

Chapter 3
Arrange Window
Show/Hide Channel Strip Only
A View menu option (and key command) allows you to hide all elements of the
Parameters area — except the Arrange channel strip.
This is extremely handy in cases where a high number of active Inserts and Sends are
used, and displayed, on small screens (such as that of a 12" PowerBook).
The same command can be reused to toggle back to the full view of the Parameters
Reset Functions
To switch off stuck notes, click on the MIDI monitor in the Transport window, or hit
Stop twice in rapid succession. In both cases, reset messages are sent, as defined in
Preferences > MIDI > Reset Messages (see “Interface Language” on page 650).
For Hanging Notes—Panic Function
If the notes continue to sound, then your sound sources may not be able to respond to
“All Notes Off” messages. If this happens, try the following:
Double-click on the MIDI Monitor in the Transport window (or use the Send discrete
Note Offs key command). Separate Note Off messages will then be sent for every note,
on all channels of every MIDI port.
This should do the trick!
Unwanted Modulation—Controller Reset
Options > Send to MIDI > Reset Controllers transmits a control change message #121,
with a value of 0 (reset all controllers), on all MIDI channels and outputs used by
defined instruments. This neutralizes all MIDI controllers, such as modulation or pitch
If Some Sounds Are Suddenly Too Quiet—Volume Reset
The Options > Send to MIDI > Maximum Volume function transmits a control change
message #7 (main volume), with a value of 127, on all MIDI channels and outputs used
by defined instruments. This sets all channels to their maximum volume, providing the
optimum signal/noise ratio for your sound sources.
If You Suddenly Hear the Wrong Sounds—Send Instrument Settings
The Options > Send to MIDI > Used Instrument MIDI Settings function sends all Prg, Vol,
and Pan settings from all Instrument’s Object Parameter boxes used in the current
song. This could help to reset your sound sources for the current song, if your synths
suddenly change patches mid-performance.