D.s., d.c., segno, coda signs, Tempo and swing symbols – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 515

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Chapter 16

Score Editor


D.S., D.C., Segno, Coda Signs

These symbols can be inserted at any position in the score. They are graphic symbols,
and do not affect MIDI playback. Their size can be changed with the Sizing tool.

Tempo and Swing Symbols

These symbols can be inserted at any position. The font, size, and style of the tempo
indication itself is determined in the Text Style (see “Text Styles” on page 575) window
(Text Style Tempo Symbols). The tempo indication is derived automatically from the
playback tempo at the corresponding bar position. Note that the tempo indications in
the Transport window (see “The Transport Window” on page 85) and in the Tempo List
(see “Tempo List Editor” on page 598) alwa
ys refer to quarter notes, even if a time
signature with another denominator is used. So, the displayed tempo is different
depending which symbol you use.