Shortcuts for defining multiple assignments – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 669

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Chapter 22

Control Surface Support


It is also possible to assign a key command to a button/key release message:


Press and hold the desired button/key before you enable the Learn New Assignment


When you release the button/key, the selected key command is assigned to the button
release message.

To delete a key command assignment:


Select the desired key command in the Key Commands window.


Press the Backspace key.

Shortcuts for Defining Multiple Assignments

If you would like to make multiple assignments for a number of consecutive
parameters, Logic offers you a shortcut. You can assign the first parameter and the last
parameter of a row to two controllers. Provided that the controller number distance is
the same as the parameter distance, Logic will offer you, to assign the parameters in
between to the corresponding controllers automatically.

Example 1: assign faders 1 to 16 to volume of tracks 1 to 16


Learn volume track 1 for fader 1.


Learn volume track 16 for fader 16.


As the track “distance” (15) is the same as the controller number distance for the two
most recently learned assignments, the following message appears: “It seems you have
just defined two assignments for the first and last of a consecutive row of parameters.
Would you like to fill up in between?” Select OK to automatically fill the faders with
corresponding Volume assignments for each track.

Note: This feature also works for any other track parameter (Pan, Solo, Mute, and so on).

Example 2: assign knobs 1 to 16 to plug-in parameters 1 to 16


Learn parameter 1 for knob 1.


Learn parameter 16 for knob 16.

Note: The parameter enumeration is shown in the Plug-in window’s Control view.


As the gap between parameter numbers (15) is the same as the gap between controller
numbers for the two most recently learned assignments, the following message
appears: “It seems you have just defined two assignments for the first and last of a
consecutive row of parameters. Would you like to fill up in between?” Select OK to
automatically fill the knobs with corresponding Parameter assignments for each.

Note: This feature also works for instrument parameters. Currently, this only works for
knobs that send a single channel message, where the first data byte is the controller
number and the second data byte is the value. Alternatively, the controller number can
be encoded in the MIDI channel, with a fixed first data byte.