Display size of inserted objects, Notes – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 497

Chapter 16
Score Editor
There are also other key commands which change the selection inside the Part box:
Next Part box Symbol
Previous Part box Symbol
Next moves the selection (similar to a text cursor) to the right, Previous to the left. After
reaching a group’s last object, the selection cycles back to the beginning of the group.
Next Part box Group
Previous Part box Group
Here Next moves the selection down to the object group below the current one,
Previous up, as determined by the current order of the groups. When changing to
another group, the selection within will always be the object which was most recently
selected in that particular group.
Display Size of Inserted Objects
The size of inserted objects (except text and chord symbols) always corresponds to the
size of the staff into which they are inserted (see Score Styles), and changes
correspondingly if that staff’s size is changed with the Score Style (see “Basics” on
page 529).
Most objects can be made larger or smaller after having been inserted, using the Sizing
tool (as can text elements, except for chord symbols). Just grab the object with the tool
and move the mouse up or down. The changes will be immediately visible.
The square representing the notes, in the top section of the Part box, is divided into
three parts, since the note values are organized into three sub-groups. Each of these
can be brought to the top by clicking on its corresponding symbol (note, dot, or 3).