Midi region playback parameters, Displaying region parameters, Opening and closing – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 141: Name, Quantize, Defaults and midi thru, Default region parameters, Realtime processing
Chapter 3
Arrange Window
MIDI Region Playback Parameters
The Region Parameter box is located to the left of the track list, above the Toolbox.
Displaying Region Parameters
When you select a Region, its parameters are automatically displayed in the Region
Parameter box. If the Region Parameter box isn’t visible, select View > Parameters.
None of these parameters alter the original data of the Region, they only affect
Note: The Region parameters also apply to folders, affecting all Regions within them.
Opening and Closing
Clicking on the small triangle to the left of the name shows or hides the contents of the
box, just as with folders in the Finder (if you are viewing the contents By Name).
Closing the box provides room for the elements below.
The top line in the Region Parameter box simply shows the name of the selected
Covered in the Quantization section (see “Quantization” on page 147).
Defaults and MIDI Thru
Default Region Parameters
If no Region is selected, the upper line of the Region Parameter box will display MIDI
Thru. Any live MIDI input (in stop mode, as well as during recording or playback) will be
played with the instrument and settings chosen here. When you record a new Region,
the settings in the MIDI Thru Parameter box are carried across to the new MIDI Region’s
Parameter box. The MIDI Thru Parameter box can be viewed as an adjustable “default”
Parameter box.
Realtime processing
An important concept to understand is that incoming MIDI data is always relayed
“through” the instrument assigned to the currently selected track—as long as the
record enable button is active, and the chosen MIDI channel is not excluded from MIDI
Thru. This data is also processed through the MIDI Thru Parameter box, described
above. The MIDI Thru parameters are always displayed, and are adjustable when no
Regions are selected. Click on the window background to deselect all Regions.