Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 712

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window class Status of the window as a float window or a normal window. Float
windows always “float” in the foreground and can not be hidden by normal windows.
Also see float window.

wordclock Clock signal required by digital audio interfaces to ensure the sampling
rates of connected devices run synchronously. When two devices are connected via a
standard audio interface, wordclock is transmitted via the audio circuit. If you want
more than two digital audio devices to communicate with each other, you will have to
use separate wordclock ports for synchronization, in most cases.

word length See bit depth.

XG Extended General MIDI standard from Yamaha, compatible with Roland GS.

X/Y scroll element Gray square with crosshair icon situated at the bottom left corner
of a window. By grabbing and dragging it, you can move the horizontal and vertical
window section, as if you were dragging both scroll bars simultaneously.

XY stereo recordings Two cardioid microphones aligned so that they are directed to
the left and right of the sound source. Also see MS stereo recordings.

zero crossing A point in an audio file where the waveform crosses the zero amplitude
axis. If you cut an audio file at a zero crossing there will be no click at the cut point.

zoom An action that enlarges (zooms in on) or shrinks (zooms out from) the display in
a Logic window. The Magnifying Glass in the Toolbox, and the Zoom controls found in
the lower left and upper right corners of windows, are both used for zooming tasks.
Also see Zoom control and zoom level.

Zoom control The control that appears at the bottom left and top right of some
windows, such as the Arrange. The Zoom control slider allows you to navigate through
the entire length of the currently displayed song. The lines on the left and right of the
slider can be clicked to zoom in and out by a fixed percentage.

zoom level The amount that a window’s contents (tracks, Regions, and Objects, for
example) are magnified. Zooming in to a high level allows you to make more precise
edits. Conversely, you can zoom all the way out to see the entire song and work on
very large sections.