Staff display, Aliases in the score display – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 479

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Chapter 16

Score Editor


The Part box contains many symbols which can be inserted into the score, in the same
way as notes, by dragging them into position with the mouse.

The printed result always corresponds to what you see in the selected Score window
(Page Edit view must be activated). Layout work should be done in page and print
view, after all of the notes, and most of the symbols, have been recorded or inserted.

Staff Display…

…in Relation to Position and Length of MIDI Regions in the Arrange Window

MIDI Regions in the Arrange (see “MIDI Regions” on page 128) window represent parts
played by certain instruments (symbolized by the tracks), and are displayed as staves in
the Score window. However, depending on which Score Style (see “Basics” on
page 529) is used
, an instrument’s notes can also be displayed in a staff system
containing two or more staves (such as a two staff system for a piano part).

Each of these staves or (in the Arrange window) tracks, can contain an (almost)
unlimited number of MIDI Regions. If the MIDI Regions on one track directly follow one
another in the Arrange window (with no gaps between them), they are displayed as
one continuous staff in the score, unless you have limited the view to a single MIDI
Region, by engaging content linked mode. In linear view, you will still see clefs, time, and
key signatures at the beginning of each MIDI Region, but these disappear as soon as
you change to Page Edit view.

The Display Parameters (see “The Display Parameter Box” on page 522) for each of these
MIDI Regions can be set independently. This allows you to influence the visual display
of MIDI Regions recorded in real time in a very flexible way, especially concerning the
display of rhythmic values. If necessary, MIDI Regions can be divided into several pieces
with the Scissors tool (available directly in the Score window), allowing you to assign
different display parameters to each resulting part, because each is now an
independent MIDI Region.

It is always very obvious which MIDI Regions are selected: Selected MIDI Regions are
displayed with blue stave lines (unless this option is deactivated in the Score
Preferences (see “Score Preferences” on page 574)).

Aliases in the Score Display

Alias (see “Aliases” on page 155) is a term used for MIDI Regions and Folders in the
Arrange Window which are not independent, but only “mirror” other MIDI Regions and
Folders at different positions and/or tracks. Wherever an Alias exists, its original MIDI
Region or Folder is played back.

Aliases are also displayed in the Score Edit Window and will also be printed. Alias
Display can be switched on or off via Layout > Global Format > Show Alias.