Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 20

Chapter 1
Using Logic
Eraser Tool
The Eraser deletes selected Regions and Objects. When you click on an Object or
Region with the Eraser, all of the currently selected Objects and Regions are deleted (as
if you had used Backspace).
Glue Tool
The Glue tool performs the reverse operation of the Scissors tool. All selected Regions
are merged into a single Region, which is assigned the name and track position of the
first Region on the time axis.
Crosshair Tool
The Crosshair is used to input a linear series of MIDI events in the Hyper Editor.
MIDI Thru Tool
Clicking on an instrument in the Environment with the MIDI Thru tool assigns the
instrument to the selected track in the Arrange window, thereby making it the active
MIDI Thru instrument.
Voice Splitter Tool
You can separate polyphonic voices onto different staves in the Score Editor by
drawing a dividing line with the Voice Splitter tool (provided you are using a
polyphonic score style).
Camera Tool
The Camera tool is used to select, and export, sections of the Score Editor display as
graphics files.
Quantize Tool
The Quantize tool is used to correct the timing of MIDI note events in the Matrix and
Score Editors.
Velocity Tool
You can use the Velocity tool to change the velocity of notes in the Matrix and Score
Automation Tool
This Automation tool performs a number of Automation tasks. When Track Automation
is activated via the View > Track Automation menu option, a pull-down menu below the
Toolbox allows you to define the functionality of the tool.
Marquee Tool
The Marquee tool allows you to select portions of a Region in the Arrange window. The
selected area can then be subsequently edited with other tools.