Protecting tracks, Arrange channel strip – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 120

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Chapter 3

Arrange Window

Protecting Tracks

Tracks can be protected, preventing any alterations:

Existing Regions and their contents cannot be altered.

No recording is possible on protected tracks.

New Regions cannot be created.

If the Track Protect button is not visible in the Track List, you can switch it on via the
Arrange menu View > Track Protect Buttons. Clicking on the Lock button(s) toggles
between locked and unlocked mode.

If you hold Command while clicking on a Track Protect button in the Track List, all
tracks in the currently-selected display level (or folder) are protected. If they were
already protected, they will be unprotected.

Arrange Channel Strip

The channel strip of the currently selected Arrange track will appear in the Parameters
area of the Arrange window, provided that there is sufficient space to display it.