Standard instrument – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 212
Chapter 5
The Environment
Standard Instrument
This is the simplest track playback Object. It provides a direct connection to a single
MIDI port and channel, which can be set in its Parameter box.
You can also set a number of other playback parameters, including program bank and
number, initial volume and pan, transpose, velocity scaling, and MIDI delay.
To create a new standard instrument, select New > Instrument, or click on the layer
background with the pencil tool. Instruments serve as the interface between Logic’s
tracks and your MIDI sound sources.
The Standard Instrument Object Parameter box will be familiar to you from the Arrange
window. Here are the details of the individual parameters.
Use the Channel parameter to set the MIDI channel for the instrument’s output. All
events at the output of the standard instrument Object are sent via the channel set
here. Exception: If you set this parameter to All, all events will be sent with their
original channel settings—as they appear in the Event List window.
Below the channel parameter, a direct connection to one of the MIDI output ports can
be set. Remember that you can also directly cable the standard instrument Object to
other Environment Objects for MIDI processing. If no MIDI output port is defined in the
Object Parameter box for the instrument, the Port parameter will display “off”.
Prg, Vol, and Pan
The Prg, Vol, and Pan parameters transmit program changes, volume controller (#7) and
pan controller (#10) data.
You can edit the values of any of these parameters, but no data will be sent until you
check the corresponding box (by clicking on it). If the box is already checked, any value
alterations will be sent immediately, and the values will also be sent whenever the track
is selected.