Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 107

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Chapter 2



monophonic (channel) aftertouch.

polyphonic aftertouch.

SysEx data (the last SysEx message before the play-start point is transmitted).

There is a potential problem when chasing notes that are used to trigger a drum loop
in a sampler. Unless you are lucky enough to start the MIDI Region precisely at the
beginning of the sample loop, the sample will be triggered at the wrong time and will,
therefore, be played out of sync with the rest of the MIDI Region (at least until the next
trigger note). The problem is that most samplers can only play samples from the
beginning, and cannot synchronize them to the beat when started in the middle.

To solve this potential issue:

Activate the No Transposeparameter of your drum loop instrument, in the instrument’s
Object Parameter box, and switch off the In ‘No Transpose’ instruments option in the
MIDI > Chase page of the Song Settings. The result of this selection is that whenever the
song jumps to a new position, your drum loops will not play until they reach the next
“trigger note”.

The No Transpose parameter actually prevents transposition by the Region playback
parameters, which is also not desirable for drum sounds or loops.