Scrubbing, Resolution, On zero crossings – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 178: Erasing regions, Erasing recordings

Chapter 4
Audio in the Arrange Window
You can scrub playback of a Region to accurately select a division point, by using the
Scissors tool and holding down the mouse button. This is only available on audio
systems that support scrubbing. When using this feature, the Scissors tool works like a
virtual playback head, which moves over the “virtual tape” (the Region). If you release
the mouse button, the region will be divided at the current position of the Scissors
When selecting a cut point with the Scissors tool, you can move backwards and
forwards in steps of one division. If you need a finer resolution, press Control after you
have selected the Region with the Scissors. To obtain the maximum resolution (ticks)
press Shift, as well.
On Zero Crossings
If Edit > Search Zero Crossings is switched on in the Audio window, the division-point is
moved to the nearest position that the waveform crosses the zero amplitude axis.
When enabled, this also applies to all other methods of altering the start or endpoint of
a Region in the Arrange window.
Note: This can cause the precise startpoint and length of a Region to differ slightly
from the selected value. In most cases, this will be inaudible.
Erasing Regions
Regions can be erased by either; selecting them and pressing Backspace, or by clicking
on them with the Eraser tool.
Erasing Recordings
When you erase a Region that you have just recorded (since opening the song), Logic
will ask if you also want to erase the corresponding audio file. This is a good way to
avoid wasting hard drive space unnecessarily by retaining bad takes and unwanted
If the recording was made before the song was loaded for the current session, this
dialog box will not appear. This prevents you from accidentally deleting valuable
recordings. Pressing Backspace will only remove the Region from the Arrange area. If
you want to delete the corresponding audio file from the hard disk, you can do so by
selecting Audio File > Delete File(s) in the Audio window.