The instrument set window – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 554

Chapter 16
Score Editor
Reduce or enlarge all staves which are part of that Instrument Set at once, using the
Scale parameter. (This allows you to use the same Score Styles for printout of full
scores and parts).
Select from two different parameter sets (Score or Part) for page margins, header
space height, vertical distance between stave systems, and the maximum number of
bars per line.
An Instrument Set is selected in the Instrument Set Box, below the Catch and Link
buttons. If Instrument Sets already exist in the current song, a pull-down menu with all
available Instrument Sets will appear when you click-hold on the box. New songs will
only show the entry ALL INSTS. which—depending on the display level—will display all
instruments. Double-click this box to open the Instrument Set window.
The Instrument Set Window
The Instrument Set window can be opened with:
Double-click on the Instrument Set Box
Menu Layout > Instrument Sets…
Key command Open Instrument Set Window
If you have opened the Instrument Set window while the default set “ALL INSTS.” was
displayed, you will see a note saying that the “ALL INSTS.” Instrument Set cannot be
edited. In the Instrument Set window, select New > New Complete Set. This will create
an Instrument Set which contains all track instruments currently used in the Arrange
window. Although for the moment this results in the same display as “ALL INSTS.”, you
can now edit this Instrument Set. (In the “ALL INSTS.” Set you cannot define instrument
names or change the order of instruments; and the bar lines are always connected
throughout the whole score). On the yellow background you will see columns with the
following parameters (from left to right):