Tips for numerical input, Event float window – Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual
Page 453

Chapter 13
Event List
Tips for Numerical Input
Numerical input (by double-clicking) is always independent of the current display
mode or event type, and can be used in many other areas of the program. Here are
some of the possible methods. You can type in:
Decimals: 1, 01, 2, 3, 4, 127, …
Hexadecimals: $1, $01, $2, $3, $A, $0A, $7F
Notes: “C3”, “C#3”, “Cb3”, “C##2” (equivalent to D2), “Dbb2” (equivalent to C2)
If you double-click on the note “E3”, you can enter a decimal value such as “64” or a hex
value of “$40” instead of the note itself.
In many parts of Logic, mathematical operations can also be used to change values. As
adding two existing values: “
5”, “
subtracting from the existing value: “
summing two values: “38
subtracting two values: “38
multiplying two values: “7
dividing two values: “80/5”
Event Float Window
The event float window can be accessed from most other windows.
Select Options > Event Float (or the Open Event Float key command) to open an Event
Float window. This provides information on the currently-selected object, and can be
compared to a single line of the Event List. You can edit all parameters in this window.
The following parameters are displayed:
the start point of the selected object in bars, beats, divisions, and ticks,
the type or name of the selected object,
the recorded MIDI channel and first data byte (if the selected object is an event), the
name of notes, and the second data byte (if it exists);
length of the selected object in bars, beats, divisions, and ticks.
Clicking on the film symbol (to the left) toggles the position and length display
between SMPTE time and the normal display. Command-clicking on the SMPTE symbol
turns the MIDI Out button on or off, affecting MIDI playback in the Event Float window.