Apple Logic Pro 7 User Manual

Page 686

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Audio Track Object Audio Object in the Environment’s Audio layer. Used to playback
audio tracks in Logic’s Arrange window. All data on the audio track is routed to the
Audio Object, that was assigned in the Arrange window’s Track List menu.

Audio Units (AU) Audio Units is the standard format for real-time plug-ins running on
Mac OS X. It can be used for audio effects and software instruments. The Audio Unit
format is part of the Mac OS X operating system. Once installed, Audio Unit plug-ins
can be accessed by all programs simultaneously. Logic supports all Audio Unit format

Audio window Logic window used for a number of audio file handling and conversion

Auto Track Zoom Function in the View menu, that automatically enlarges the currently
selected track.

Autodrop button Autodrop function Autodrop means automatically going into and
out of record at previously defined positions. Autodrop mode is most commonly used
to re-record a badly played section of an otherwise flawless recording. The advantage is
that you can concentrate on playing, not the mechanics of driving the program.
Autodrop is activated by clicking on the Autodrop button in the Transport bar.

Autoload Song Song with your favorite settings and preferences. It loads automatically
when you launch Logic, and serves as a starting point for your songs and projects.

automation Automation is the ability to record, edit, and play back the movements of
all knobs, controls, and buttons, including volume faders and pan, EQ, and Aux send
controls plus almost all effect and instrument plug-in parameters.

Aux Object Audio Object in the Environment’s Audio layer. Aux Objects are similar to
the Bus Objects, but are more flexible. Unlike Bus Objects Aux Objects also have Sends
of their own, allowing you to form complex signal paths

bandpass filter This filter only allows the frequency band centered around the cutoff
frequency to pass, while frequencies that lie further away (the lows and highs) are
filtered out. A sound that contains lots of mid range frequencies is the result. Also see

band rejection filter This filter cuts the frequency band centered around the cutoff
frequency, while allowing the frequencies that lie further away to pass. The mid range
frequencies will become softer and the lows and highs remain unchanged.

bar In musical notation, a bar is a measure that contains a specified number of beats,
and establishes the rhythmic structure of a musical piece.