C.4.5, C−32 – Festo Кабели и принадлежности User Manual

Page 478

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C. Technical appendix


Festo P.BE−SPC200−EN en 0901d


Technical specifications of control panel type SPC200−MMI−1F



Ĉ Height
Ĉ Width
Ĉ Depth

Approx. 102 mm
Approx. 102 mm
Approx. 37 mm


Approx. 225 g

Temperature range
Ĉ Operating temperature
Ĉ Storage/transport

0 ... + 50 °C
− 20 ... +70 °C

Relative humidity

95 %, non−condensing

Protection class as per DIN 40050
(DIN EN 60529)

On front side: IP65 (fitted)
On rear: IP20

CE symbol (declaration of conformity)

In accordance with EU EMC Directive

Vibration and shock
Ĉ Vibration

Ĉ Shock

Tested as per DIN/IEC 68 part 2−6:
0.15 mm path at 10...58 Hz;
2 g acceleration at 58...150 Hz
Tested as per DIN/IEC 68 part 2−27:
± 30 g at 11 ms duration; 5 shocks per direction

Electric power supply
Ĉ Rated voltage
Ĉ Voltage range
Ĉ Current consumption
Ĉ Protected against incorrect polarity

Phoenix Combicon 3x3.81
24 V
18...36 V
Approx. 100 mA

Protection against electric shock (protection
against direct and indirect contact acc. to
IEC/DIN EN 60204−1)

By means of PELV power units
(Protected Extra−Low Voltage)

Interface to SPC200
Ĉ Specification

Ĉ Connection
Ĉ Max. cable length
Ĉ Pin assignment

RS232 port
8 bits, 1 stop bit, even parity, no handshake,
baud rate 9600 bits/s; 9−pin D−sub−socket
10 m
Pin 2: Received Data (RxD)
Pin 3: Transmitted Data (TxD)
Pin 5: Signal Ground (SGND)

Care and maintenance

Clean with a soft cloth