Festo Кабели и принадлежности User Manual
Page 324
7. Description of the commands
Festo P.BE−SPC200−EN en 0901d
Fast stop without damping time
ć pneumatic axis; ć permitted in operating mode: Start/Stop, Record Select
Nn G60 X [Y, Z, U]
Switches the specified axis to fast stop (positioning quality class 1). Output
MC_A/MC_B or RC_A/RC_B always supplies a 1−signal when the axis first enters
the range of the positioning tolerance (see Fig. 7/11).
N000 G60 X
N001 G00 X200
N002 G62 X
N003 G00 X100
N004 G00 X300
;Activate exact stop without damping time
;Move to position X200 mm
;Activate exact stop without damping time
;Move to position X100
;Move to position X300 mm
When moving to position X100, output MC_A/MC_B or RC_A/RC_B always supplies
a 1−signal when the X−axis enters the range of the positioning tolerance. The
SPC200 is ready immediately to move to position X300.
This command has a saving effect. The fast stop remains valid until a switch is
made to another positioning quality class.
In positioning quality class 1 the adaption has no effect, see appendix B.