3 overview of the parameters of a positioning axis, Overview of the parameters of a positioning axis – Festo Кабели и принадлежности User Manual
Page 161
4. Commissioning
Festo P.BE−SPC200−EN en 0901d
Overview of the parameters of a positioning axis
A positioning axis is described using various parameters
which are saved in the positioning controller. These include,
the mass being moved, the drive type, the drive length, the
mounting position, and much more.
The SPC200 positioning controller requires these data in
order to define the optimal servo setting for the positioning
application concerned.
A distinction is made between the axis data, the application−
specific data, and the controller data.
The data sets are configured and loaded into the SPC200 by
means of either the control panel ć see section 4.4 and
chapter 6 ć or with the WinPISA configuration and programĆ
ming software.
Detailed explanations of the parameters can be found in
chapter 6 of this manual, in the manual for WinPISA, and in
the online help for WinPISA.
Please note
Each configurable parameter is assigned a default value in
the SPC200. This can be overwritten if required via the
control panel or with WinPISA.
Please note
From operating system version 4.63 onwards, it is recomĆ
mended to carry out commissioning and programming
only with WinPISA version 4.31 or later.