Festo Кабели и принадлежности User Manual

Page 314

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7. Description of the commands


Festo P.BE−SPC200−EN en 0901d

Example 3

Event−dependent further switching to next record

N010 G00 X0

N011 G25 X1

N012 G01 X500 FX60

N013 #TNI0.0 13

N014 G01 X500 FX10

When 1 % of the positioning path from X0 to X500 has been
traversed, the SPC200 switches further to NC record N013.
The program waits in this record until the event occurs (here
1−signal at input I0.0). Only then, where applicable, switching
is made to the next positioning task (here speed reduction)
during the processing procedure.

If the event occurs after the target position has ben reached,
the following command in this example will have no effect, as
the same target position (X500) has been programmed.

If you use the G25 command together with the axis status
flags (see chapter 7.2.6), it can be sensible to insert a waiting
time of at least 10 ms after the positioning command. This
applies particularly with the status flags MC and MOV.
Note that with a pneumatic axis, there is always a delay beĆ
fore it responds to the start signal.

Example 4

Further switching to generate its own MC signal

N010 G25 X0 ;immediate further switching

N011 G00 X200 ;Move to position 200

N012 #RQ0.1 ;Delete output Q0.1: MC_X=0

N013 G04 3 ;Wait 30 ms

N014 #TNF72 14 ;Positioning task not yet


N020 #SQ0.1 ;Set Q0.1, MC_X=1