Festo Кабели и принадлежности User Manual

Page 310

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7. Description of the commands


Festo P.BE−SPC200−EN en 0901d


Position−dependent switch to next record

ć permitted in operating modes: Start/Stop

Nn G25 X [Y.., Z.., U..]



Preselect value in % of the path to be traversed; 0 = 0 %
(switch further immediately), 1 = 1 % ... 99 = 99 %

n = 0 ... 99



Preselect value in % of the path to be traversed saved in
register Rn
permitted: 0 ... 100; 0 = 0 %; 100 = 100 %

n = 0 ... 99



Absolute position specification of the preselect value in
[mm] or [°] saved in the position register @n;

current nominal position

Ţ @n Ţ new nominal

position or current nominal position

ţ @n ţ new

nominal position

n = 0 ... 99


If an axis is positioned, for which a position−dependent switch to the next record
has been programmed, a switch will be made to the next NC record when the posiĆ
tion defined in the preselect is reached. The SPC200 is then in the position to proĆ
cess further NC records, while the axis traverses the remaining path to the target
The G25 command remains active until:
Ĉ the preselect value is reached with a positioning command G00, G01, G02 or

M10 with mode 2 ... 4

Ĉ the G25 command is deactivated with command M12
Ĉ a fault occurs in executing G25.
As subsequent commands after further switching to the next record, all NC
commands are permitted, with the exception of the following NC commands for the
same axis: M39 and G00.
If after switching to next record (set mass evaluation) a M37 command occurs that
concerns the moving axis, this becomes active only for the next traversing task.
Positioning commands must not however demand a change of direction of the
running positioning procedure.

stepping motor axes: If the G25 command refers to a stepping motor axis, the

subsequent commands must not refer to the same stepping motor axis, except for:
the M12 command.

multi−axis systems: You can program preselect values for several axes in one

NC record. The preselect values of the individual axes remain valid until a positionĆ
ing command is executed for the relevant axis and the preselect value is therefore
The further switching conditions of several axes can be linked by a positioning
command (see example 4).


This syntax is only available as from operating system version 4.6. Programs which contain this
syntax cannot be edited with control panel type SPC200−MMI−1... .