Festo Кабели и принадлежности User Manual

Page 326

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7. Description of the commands


Festo P.BE−SPC200−EN en 0901d




The reference point is set at the current position.
Ĉ The status flag REF will be set immediately.
Ĉ There are no restrictions as regards the speed and acceleration limit values

(compare with mode 7).

This mode may only be used if you can be sure that the axis actually stands at the
planned reference position.
For example, you can move program−controlled to the defined end stop with NC comĆ
mand M39, monitor the reaching of the position with the aid of a proximity switch and
finally accept the reference point with mode 0.

N000 #TF64 7 ;REF flag of the X–axis set?

N001 M40 X0 ;Cancel all limit value monitorings re. M39

;(stroke and speed limit


N002 M39 X45 ;Switch off controller and open valve

;statically in the direction smaller

;position values.

N003 #TNI0.0 3 ;Test input I0.0 (reference switch)

;for 0, until stop is reached

;(I0.0 = 1)

N004 G04 50 ;Wait 500 ms

N005 M12 X ;Activate controller again

N006 G74 X0 ;Set reference point

N007 ...


Reference travel in negative direction (retract piston rod up to rear stop or cylinder
Ĉ As soon as the axis stands still, the reference point is set.
Ĉ The status flag REF will be set immediately.


Reference travel in positive direction (extend piston rod up to front stop or bearing
Ĉ As soon as the axis stands still, the reference point is set.
Ĉ The status flag REF will be set immediately.