1 selecting the power unit, Selecting the power unit – Festo Кабели и принадлежности User Manual

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3. Installation


Festo P.BE−SPC200−EN en 0901d


Selecting the power unit



In order to provide the electric supply, use only PELV
circuits as per IEC/DIN EN 60204−1 (Protective Extra−
Low Voltage, PELV).
Take into account also the general requirements for
PELV circuits as per IEC/DIN EN 60204−1.


Use only

power packswhich guarantee reliable electrical

isolation of the operating voltage as per IEC/DIN

By the use of PELV power units, protection against electric
shock (protection against direct and indirect contact) is guarĆ
anteed in accordance with IEC/DIN EN 60204−1 (electrical
equipment of machines, general requirements).



Use a closed−loop controlled power unit.


Select a power unit which will provide sufficient output
for later extensions.


The current requirement depends on the number and
type of the connected components. When selecting the
power unit, check that it provides sufficient output. If
necessary, calculate the total current requirement accordĆ
ing to the following table.