3 echo

Page 685: Table 30–607, Table 30–608, Nxp semiconductors

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User manual

Rev. 04 — 26 August 2009

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NXP Semiconductors


Chapter 30: LPC24XX Flash memory programming firmware

9.3 Echo

9.4 Write to RAM

The host should send the data only after receiving the CMD_SUCCESS return code. The
host should send the check-sum after transmitting 20 UU-encoded lines. The checksum is
generated by adding raw data (before UU-encoding) bytes and is reset after transmitting
20 UU-encoded lines. The length of any UU-encoded line should not exceed
61 characters(bytes) i.e. it can hold 45 data bytes. When the data fits in less then
20 UU-encoded lines then the check-sum should be of the actual number of bytes sent.
The ISP command handler compares it with the check-sum of the received bytes. If the
check-sum matches, the ISP command handler responds with "OK" to
continue further transmission. If the check-sum does not match, the ISP command
handler responds with "RESEND". In response the host should retransmit the

9.5 Read Memory

The data stream is followed by the command success return code. The check-sum is sent
after transmitting 20 UU-encoded lines. The checksum is generated by adding raw data
(before UU-encoding) bytes and is reset after transmitting 20 UU-encoded lines. The
length of any UU-encoded line should not exceed 61 characters(bytes) i.e. it can hold
45 data bytes. When the data fits in less then 20 UU-encoded lines then the check-sum is
of actual number of bytes sent. The host should compare it with the checksum of the
received bytes. If the check-sum matches then the host should respond with

Table 607. ISP Echo command




Setting: ON = 1 | OFF = 0

Return Code




The default setting for echo command is ON. When ON the ISP command handler
sends the received serial data back to the host.


"A 0" turns echo off.

Table 608. ISP Write to RAM command




Start Address:

RAM address where data bytes are to be written. This address

should be a word boundary.

Number of Bytes:

Number of bytes to be written. Count should be a multiple of 4

Return Code


ADDR_ERROR (Address not on word boundary) |


COUNT_ERROR (Byte count is not multiple of 4) |




This command is used to download data to RAM. Data should be in UU-encoded
format. This command is blocked when code read protection is enabled.


"W 1073742336 4" writes 4 bytes of data to address 0x4000 0200.