H3C Technologies H3C SecPath F1000-E User Manual
Page 840
[SecPathA] route-policy apply_med_50 permit node 10
[SecPathA-route-policy] if-match ipv6 address acl 2000
[SecPathA-route-policy] apply cost 50
[SecPathA-route-policy] quit
[SecPathA] route-policy apply_med_100 permit node 10
[SecPathA-route-policy] if-match ipv6 address acl 2000
[SecPathA-route-policy] apply cost 100
[SecPathA-route-policy] quit
Apply routing policy apply_med_50 to routes outgoing to peer 3002::2, and apply routing
policy apply_med_100 to routes outgoing to peer 2002::2.
[SecPathA] bgp 200
[SecPathA-bgp] ipv6-family
[SecPathA-bgp-af-ipv6] network 1200:: 64
[SecPathA-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 3002::2 route-policy apply_med_50 export
[SecPathA-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 2002::2 route-policy apply_med_100 export
# Configure BFD over the link to peer 3002::2 so that when the link SecPath A<—>Router
B<—>Router C fails, BFD can quickly detect the failure and notify it to IPv6 BGP, and then the link
SecPath A<—>Router D<—>Router C takes effect immediately.
[SecPathA-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 3002::2 bfd
[SecPathA-bgp-af-ipv6] quit
[SecPathA-bgp] quit
Configure IPv6 BGP on Router C:
[RouterC] bgp 200
[RouterC-bgp] ipv6-family
[RouterC-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 3001::1 as-number 200
[RouterC-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 3001::1 bfd
[RouterC-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 2001::1 as-number 200
[RouterC-bgp-af-ipv6] quit
[RouterC-bgp] quit
Configure BFD parameters (you can use default BFD parameters instead):
# Configure SecPath A.
[SecPathA] bfd session init-mode active
[SecPathA] interface GigabitEthernet0/2
Configure the minimum interval for transmitting BFD control packets as 500 milliseconds.
[SecPathA-GigabitEthernet0/2] bfd min-transmit-interval 500
Configure the minimum interval for receiving BFD control packets as 500 milliseconds.
[SecPathA-GigabitEthernet0/2] bfd min-receive-interval 500
Configure the detect multiplier as 7.
[SecPathA-GigabitEthernet0/2] bfd detect-multiplier 7
Configure the BFD authentication mode as plain-text authentication, and set the authentication
key to ibgpbfd.
[SecPathA-GigabitEthernet0/2] bfd authentication-mode simple 1 ibgpbfd
[SecPathA-GigabitEthernet0/2] quit
# Configure Router C.
[RouterC] bfd session init-mode active
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