Bgp community configuration at the cli, Network requirements – H3C Technologies H3C SecPath F1000-E User Manual
Page 509
From the output, you can find two valid routes to destination the route with next hop is marked with a greater-than sign (>), indicating it is the best route; the route with next
hop is marked with only an asterisk (*), indicating it is a valid route, but not the best.
By using the display ip routing-table command, you can find only one route to with
next hop and outgoing interface GE0/2.
Configure load balancing:
Since SecPath A has two routes to reach AS 65009, configuring load balancing over the two BGP
routes on SecPath A can improve link utilization.
# Configure SecPath A.
[SecPathA] bgp 65008
[SecPathA-bgp] balance 2
[SecPathA-bgp] quit
Verify the configuration:
# Display the BGP routing table on SecPath A.
[SecPathA] display bgp routing-table
Total Number of Routes: 3
BGP Local router ID is
Status codes: * - valid, ^ - VPNv4 best, > - best, d - damped,
h - history, i - internal, s - suppressed, S - Stale
Origin : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network NextHop MED LocPrf PrefVal Path/Ogn
*> 0 0 i
*> 0 0 65009i
*> 0 0 65009i
From the above output information, you can find two valid routes to the destination,
and both of them are marked with a greater-than sign (>), indicating they are the best routes.
By using the display ip routing-table command, you can find two routes to one with
next hop and outgoing interface GE0/2, the other with next hop and outgoing
interface GE0/3.
BGP community configuration at the CLI
Network requirements
As shown in
, SecPath B establishes EBGP connections with SecPath A and SecPath C.
Configure No_Export community attribute on SecPath A to make routes from AS 10 not advertised by AS
20 to any other AS.
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