Configuring local pbr, Configuring interface pbr – H3C Technologies H3C SecPath F1000-E User Manual
Page 576
If an ACL match criterion is defined and the action of the specified ACL is permit, packets are matched
against the ACL rules. If the specified ACL does not exist or the action of the specified ACL is deny, no
packet is matched.
If an ACL match criterion is defined, packets are matched against the ACL rules, whereas the permit or
deny action of the specified ACL is ignored. If the specified ACL does not exist, no packet is matched.
You can configure two next hops by using the apply ip-address next-hop command twice (first case) or
once (second case). After that, executing the apply ip-address next-hop command with a new next hop
will replace the earlier configured next hop in the first case, or will replace the second next hop specified
in the second case. To remove both next hops, execute the apply ip-address next-hop command again
by specifying two next hops. The apply output-interface, apply default output-interface, and apply
ip-address default next-hop work the in same way.
For a point to point (P2P) link, the next hop address is the peer address, so you need to specify only the
outgoing interface using the apply output-interface
interface-type interface-number [ track
track-entry-number ] [ interface-type interface-number [ track track-entry-number ] ] command. For a
non-P2P link, you need to specify the next hop address besides the outgoing interface.
If a policy node has no if-match clause configured, all packets can match the policy node. However, an
action is taken according to the match mode, and the packets will not go to the next policy node for a
If a permit-mode policy node has no apply clause configured, packets matching all the if-match clauses
of the node can pass the policy node, and no action is taken. The matching packets will not go to the
next policy node for a match, and will be forwarded according to the routing table.
If a policy node has neither if-match nor apply clauses configured, all packets can match the policy
node. However, no action is taken. The packets will not go to the next policy node for a match, and will
be forwarded according to the routing table.
Configuring local PBR
Only one policy can be referenced for local PBR.
To configure local PBR:
Step Command
Enter system view.
Configure local PBR.
ip local policy-based-route
Not configured by default.
If the specified policy does not exist, the local PBR configuration succeeds, but it takes effect only when the
policy is created.
Configuring interface PBR
Only one policy can be referenced by an interface for interface PBR.
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