H3C Technologies H3C SecPath F1000-E User Manual
Page 685
[RouterA] interface GigabitEthernet 0/2
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet0/2] pim sm
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet0/2] quit
[RouterA] interface GigabitEthernet 0/3
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet0/3] igmp enable
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet0/3] pim sm
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet0/3] quit
The configuration on SecPath A, SecPath B, Router B, SecPath C, and Router C is similar to that on
Router A.
# Configure a PIM domain border on SecPath A.
[SecPathA] interface GigabitEthernet 0/2
[SecPathA-GigabitEthernet0/2] pim bsr-boundary
[SecPathA-GigabitEthernet0/2] quit
The configuration on SecPath B and SecPath C is similar to that on SecPath A.
Configure C-BSRs and C-RPs:
# Configure Loopback 0 as a C-BSR and a C-RP on SecPath A.
[SecPathA] pim
[SecPathA-pim] c-bsr loopback 0
[SecPathA-pim] c-rp loopback 0
[SecPathA-pim] quit
The configuration on SecPath B and SecPath C is similar to that on SecPath A.
Configure BGP and configure mutual route redistribution between BGP and OSPF:
# Configure an EBGP peer, and redistribute OSPF routes on SecPath A.
[SecPathA] bgp 100
[SecPathA-bgp] router-id
[SecPathA-bgp] peer as-number 200
[SecPathA-bgp] import-route ospf 1
[SecPathA-bgp] quit
# Configure an EBGP peer, and redistribute OSPF routes on SecPath B.
[SecPathB] bgp 200
[SecPathB-bgp] router-id
[SecPathB-bgp] peer as-number 100
[SecPathB-bgp] import-route ospf 1
[SecPathB-bgp] quit
# Redistribute BGP routing information into OSPF on SecPath A.
[SecPathA] ospf 1
[SecPathA-ospf-1] import-route bgp
[SecPathA-ospf-1] quit
# Redistribute BGP routing information into OSPF on SecPath B.
[SecPathB] ospf 1
[SecPathB-ospf-1] import-route bgp
[SecPathB-ospf-1] quit
Configure MSDP peers:
# Configure an MSDP peer on SecPath A.
[SecPathA] msdp
[SecPathA-msdp] peer connect-interface GigabitEthernet 0/2
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