Searching for files in button view – Apple Soundtrack Pro 3 User Manual

Page 85

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To refine your search using the Matches column


Click to select a match category, or Command-click to select multiple match categories.

Click a match category
to refine your search.

These are files that
match the category
selected above.

Search Text field

To refine your search by selecting multiple keywords


Shift-click to select adjacent keywords, or Command-click to select nonadjacent keywords.

Searching for Files in Button View

In Button view, the upper area of the Search tab displays a grid of buttons, each of which
is labeled with a keyword. The keywords displayed are determined by the Keywords
pop-up menu; the choices are Music Beds, Instruments, Genre, Descriptors, and Custom.
The keywords for each choice are fixed and appear whether or not matching files for the
keyword exist. Keywords for which no matching files exist are dimmed.

To search for files in Button view


Choose the type of keywords to display on the keyword buttons from the Keywords
pop-up menu.


You can optionally use the File Type, Time Signature, and Scale Type pop-up menus to
restrict matches by those categories.


Chapter 3

Basics of Working in Soundtrack Pro