About exporting multiple mono files – Apple Soundtrack Pro 3 User Manual

Page 455

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For more information, see

General Export Options



Use the File Type pop-up menu to choose a file type for the exported audio file.

If you choose any of the last four menu items (MP3 File, AAC/Podcast File, Dolby Digital
Professional (AC-3) File, or Using Compressor), the central section of the Export dialog
displays options for the selected format type. For information about these menu items,

Exporting a Master Mix



To export a separate mono audio file for each output channel in your multitrack project,
select the “Create multiple mono files” checkbox.

For more information, see

About Exporting Multiple Mono Files



Choose a bit depth for the exported file from the Bit Depth pop-up menu.


Choose a sample rate for the exported file from the Sample Rate pop-up menu.


If you like, use the After Export pop-up menu to choose a post-export action.

For more information, see

Using Post-Export Actions



Enter a name for the exported file, then navigate to the location where you want to save
the file.

Output files are given the same names as the tracks, busses, or submixes being exported.
For example, “Track 1” results in “Track 1.aif.” If you select the “Create multiple mono files”
checkbox, the Mixer object name (for example, “Track 1”) serves as the base name to
which channel codes are appended (for example, “Track 1.R.aif” and “Track 1.L.aif”). For
more information, see

About Exporting Multiple Mono Files



Click Export.

When you export a project, track, bus, or submix that includes an effect (for example, a
reverb or delay) that produces a tail that extends past the end of the project, the exported
file lengthens to include the tail.

You can also select part of an audio file and add an effect to a selection. When you add
an effect that produces a tail to a selection, the tail is blended with the audio following
the selection until the effect level falls below –96 dB. The project lengthens to include
the tail if necessary.

About Exporting Multiple Mono Files

You can select the “Export multiple mono files” checkbox to export a separate mono
audio file for each output channel in your multitrack project. If you do this, a separate
audio file for each hardware output (jack) is created.


Chapter 20

Exporting Multitrack Projects