Inputs tab – Apple Soundtrack Pro 3 User Manual

Page 535

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Hold Overloads checkbox: If you select this checkbox, your hardware displays overloads


Clear Overloads button: Clicking this button resets the overload LEDs of your meters.


CD Mode checkbox: Selecting this checkbox turns on CD mode, which sends a 44.1 kHz,

16-bit stereo signal to the S/PDIF output, regardless of the input. In effect, selecting
this checkbox automatically switches the Conversion pop-up menu to S/PDIF Out, the
Sample Rate pop-up menu to 44.1 kHz, and the UV22HR pop-up menu to S/PDIF Out.
If any of these automatically set parameters are then changed manually, the CD Mode
checkbox is automatically disabled.

Inputs Tab

This tab is used to configure the inputs of your Apogee hardware. The tab contains four
identical parameter sets for microphone inputs 1 to 4 and a parameter section for line
inputs 5 to 8.

Pre-Amp Parameters for Inputs 1 to 4
Inputs 1 to 4 feature built-in pre-amps. These can be configured individually via the four
identical sets of Pre-Amp parameters.

Level pop-up menu: This pop-up menu allows you to switch the respective channel

between microphone and line inputs. If you choose the Line option, the +4 dBu and
–10 dBV options shown in the Group pop-up menu below are used to set the reference
level of the line input. All microphone-related settings (Gain, Group, 48V Phantom
Power, and Phase Invert) will be dimmed.

Gain slider: Sets the gain level of the chosen input (only available for microphone



Appendix D

Working with Apogee Hardware in Soundtrack Pro