Brocade Network OS NETCONF Operations Guide v4.1.1 User Manual

Page 390

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Network OS NETCONF Operations Guide


Configuring all xSTP on DCB interface ports


c. Include the node element, which resides in the namespace.

4. Under the node element, include the leaf element and specify the

path cost for spanning tree calculations on the DCB interface.




Configuring the path cost per VLAN (PVST or Rapid PVST)

Use this procedure to configure the path cost for spanning tree calculations on a per VLAN basis.
The lower the path cost means there is a greater chance of the interface becoming the root port.
The range is 1 through 200000000. The default path cost is 2000 for a 10 Gbps interface. For the
VLANs which have been configured explicitly, the per-VLAN configuration takes precedence over the
global configuration.

The VLAN ID value can be 1 through 3583. VLAN IDs 3584 through 4094 are internally-reserved

To configure the path cost for spanning tree calculations on the DCB interface for a specific VLAN,
perform the following steps.

1. Issue the RPC to configure the interface node in the namespace.

2. Under the node, include the , ,

, , or node element.

3. Under the , , ,

, or node element, include the following elements.

a. In the element, specify the interface name in [rbridge-id/]slot/port format or

port-channel number.

b. In the element, include the delete operation in the element tag to enable the
