Managing networks – Carrier Access Access Navigator User Manual
Page 664

August 2003
Access Navigator - Release 1.8
SNMP Interface
Managing Networks
Managing Networks
The SNMP standard MIB is used to manage basic network objects. In addition, SNMP is
flexible enough that it can support a wide variety of MIBs describing other device functions
and interfaces. For example, the Access Navigator uses the standard MIB (RFC 1406) for
managing DS1 interfaces. Extended functions are provided by the CA Enterprise MIB. The
complete MIB for CA’s Access Navigator is in the ACCNAV.MIB file included on the CD-
ROM containing this manual.
Objects are managed using “messages.” SNMP Manager operations include simple “get” and
“set” messages to read and write MIB data in the Agent. The Manager can get (read) all values,
but not all values can be set (changed). Table C-2 lists standard Manager messages.
NetworkValet™ EMS and Valet™ software provide a graphical user interface to manage the
Access Navigator MIB using simple menus, boxes, and buttons that the software translates
into the appropriate SNMP messages.
Normally, the Manager polls the Agent periodically to check traffic statistics and system
status. The Manager can also set object values that control device operation, such as resetting
registers and enabling interfaces. The SNMP Agent can also send “trap” messages to the
Manager. Trap messages are used to report when certain network events happen, such as a
DS1 linkdown. When a trap event occurs, the Agent automatically sends an SNMP trap
message back to the Manager, without waiting to be polled. (See SNMP Trap Reports on
Table C-2 Standard SNMP Messages
Message Type
“get” Request
Returns the value of a named object. Used
to fetch performance and statistics informa-
tion and device settings.
“get-next” Request
Returns the name and value of the “next”
object. Allows manager to determine all the
names and values that a device supports.
“set” Request
Sets the named object to a specific value.
“trap” Message
Sends a trap message to the manager. Used
to notify one or more network devices that a
problem occurred.