Carrier Access Access Navigator User Manual

Page 332

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August 2003

Access Navigator - Release 1.8

Alarm Clearing

Clear Alarms – EOC

Remote Device #n:
T1 #x rx Yellow alarm

Remote device on DS1 #n
received Yellow alarm (RAI) on
T1 #x. Minor alarm for active

Clear trouble at remote device.

Remote Device #n: V.35
loss of RTS

Remote device on DS1 #n
reported loss of RTS on V.35
interface. Minor alarm for active

Clear trouble at remote device.

TMC Primary/
Link Down

Event Report Service Problem.
TMC LAPD data link
communication not established
with the switch. Access Navigator
periodically retries to establish
LAPD data link with the switch.
Ensure DS1 assigned to TMC is

Check status of DS1 assigned for
TMC with the following CLI
status tmc

Check TMC provisioning with the
following CLI command:
show tmc

Use following CLI command to
change setting:
set tmc <primary/secondary> ds1

System Alarm State

Event Report Service Problem
(5ESS only). The severity of the
system alarm state has changed.
Only those events reportable to the
switch and excluding Service
Problems are included in the
system alarm state.

The alarm is cleared after all
events reportable to the switch
have been cleared.

Table 14-6 EOC Minor Alarm Message and Trouble Clearing Procedure

Event Message


Trouble Clearing Procedure