Preconfigure optional modem, Preconfigure optional modem -21, Preconfigure optional modem on – Carrier Access Access Navigator User Manual
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Access Navigator - Release 1.8
August 2003
Preconfigure Optional Modem
Preconfigure Optional Modem
1. If a modem is to be connected to the Access Navigator for remote operation, the modem must be
pre-configured before installation and connection to the Access Navigator’s RS-232 CLI
management port. Preconfigure the modem as follows:
2. Connect modem to a computer, using an appropriate RS-232 cable.
3. Apply power to the modem.
4. On the computer, start up a terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal and send the
following initialization string to the modem:
at s0=1 e0 q1 &c0 &d0 &w
The above initialization string uses Hayes compatible modem commands for
attention (at), auto-answer (s0=1), no local echo (e0), no result codes (q1), no hardware
handshake (&c0 &d0), and write configuration into non-volatile RAM (&w). If the modem is
not Hayes compatible, substitute equivalent commands.
5. Disconnect modem from computer.
6. Connect RS-232 cable from modem to Access Navigator RS-232 CLI management port.