Provision drop ds1s to remote adit 600, Provision drop ds1s to remote adit 600 -10 – Carrier Access Access Navigator User Manual
Page 288
August 2003
Access Navigator - Release 1.8
Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL
Provision Drop DS1s to Remote Adit 600
Provision Drop DS1s to Remote Adit 600
1. Show drop DS1 settings with the following command:
show ds1
show ds1 10
The show command will produce a message showing the DS1 settings. For example, the message
for DS1 number 1 might look similar to the following:
Settings for DS1 1:
Circuit ID: CA DS1# 01
Up/Down: UP
Framing: ESF
Line Coding: B8ZS
Type: DROP
Clock Source: NORMAL
Line Build Out: DSX-1 EQUALIZATION FOR 0-133 ft.
Loop Code Detection: OFF
Loop Back: OFF
Line Termination ID: 0 (for switch DS1s only)
Remote Device MGMT: CA FDL
FDL Type: None
Send Code: OFF
Performance Thresholds: 15 min. 1 hour 1 day
-------- -------- --------
unavailable seconds: 0 0 0
severely errored seconds: 0 0 0
errored seconds: 0 0 0
sev. errored frame seconds: 0 0 0
degraded minutes: 0 0 0
linecode violations: 0 0 0
Access Navigator Release 1.7 provides new remote management commands.
For Carrier Access FDL management, the Remote Device Management type must be set
to CA FDL and the DS1 FDL type must be set to None.
2. If drop DS1 settings are correct, skip remaining steps.
3. Set DS1 out of service with the following command:
set ds1
set ds1 1 down
set ds1 10-15 down