Snmp basics, Mib structure – Carrier Access Access Navigator User Manual
Page 662

August 2003
Access Navigator - Release 1.8
SNMP Interface
SNMP Basics
SNMP Basics
SNMP is a mechanism for managing TCP/IP networks. It works by exchanging information between an
SNMP Manager and an SNMP Agent. In this case, the Agent is inside the Access Navigator. The Manager
is a Network Management Station (NMS), which is a computer with SNMP management software such as
HP OpenView® or SunConnect’s SunNet Manager.
Carrier Access also offers NetworkValet™ EMS and Valet™, Java-based SNMP management programs for
Windows and Solaris computers, that provide a graphical user interface to simplify management of the
Access Navigator and other Carrier Access products.
The Access Navigator documentation CD-ROM includes the Access Navigator
Enterprise MIB definition file (ACCNAV.MIB) in ASN.1 standard syntax for use by network
management software.
MIB Structure
The SNMP Agent displays network information in a Management Information Base (MIB). MIBs are
machine-to-machine interfaces that arrange and present information according to industry standards
such as RFC 1213. MIBs are tree-like structures comprising nodes and leaves. Nodes are branch points
used to divide information into categories. Leaves have object values that can be examined and
changed. Common MIB objects include system names, performance statistics, and control values. Table
C-1 lists standard object types.
Control values are typically Integer types. This enables the object’s value to represent a specific control
selection. Selections are usually written in the “name(value)” format. For example, the selection
“closed(1)” means that the “closed” state is indicated by a value of “1”.
Each MIB object has both a text name and a numeric identifier. For example, the object name
“sysUpTime” has the object identifier “”. Identifiers are written in dot-notation to show
the path through the MIB structure. Object names are for humans. Only the object identifiers are used
for communications between the manager and agent.