Set system id or clli code, Set system id or clli code -5 – Carrier Access Access Navigator User Manual
Page 187

Access Navigator - Release 1.8
August 2003
Provision Access Navigator
Set System ID or CLLI Code
Set System ID or CLLI Code
The System Identifier (name, location, or Telcordia CLLI code) is a text string,
such as “Acme Corp AN#2” or “DNVRCO1A201”. The identifier can be up to 20 characters
long, and may use any combination of letters and numbers. The identifier must be
enclosed in quote marks.
The System Identifier also appears in the command line prompt. The default
System Identifier is “Access Navigator” so the command prompt will be “Access
Navigator>”. When you change the identifier, the prompt will also change. (If other
management sessions are in progress, the operators will not see the new prompt until they
start a new session.)
1. Show current System Identifier with the following command:
show id
2. If System Identifier is correct, skip remaining steps.
3. Set System Identifier with the following command:
set id <"id">
set id "DNVRCO1A201"