Provision groom ds1s to adit router, Provision groom ds1s to adit router -12 – Carrier Access Access Navigator User Manual

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August 2003

Access Navigator - Release 1.8

Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0

Provision Groom DS1s to Adit Router

Provision Groom DS1s to Adit Router


For IP DS0 management, it is recommended that DS1 #32 be connected to the

colocated router.

1. Show groom DS1 settings with the following command:

show ds1


show ds1 32

The show command will produce a message showing the DS1 settings. For example, the message
for DS1 number 1 might look similar to the following:

Settings for DS1 32:
Circuit ID: CA DS1# 32
Up/Down: UP
Framing: ESF
Line Coding: B8ZS
Clock Source: NORMAL
Line Build Out: DSX-1 EQUALIZATION FOR 0-133 ft.
Loop Code Detection: OFF
Loop Back: OFF
Line Termination ID: 0 (for switch DS1s only)
Remote Device MGMT: None
FDL Type: None
Send Code: OFF
Performance Thresholds: 15 min. 1 hour 1 day
-------- -------- --------
unavailable seconds: 0 0 0
severely errored seconds: 0 0 0
errored seconds: 0 0 0
sev. errored frame seconds: 0 0 0
degraded minutes: 0 0 0
linecode violations: 0 0 0


In the above message, Loop Back is a test function that is turned off during

normal service. Line Termination IDs are used only for GR-303 switch DS1s. FDL Status
does not appear if FDL Type is none.
P-Phone settings only appear in the Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone option,
when the Remote Management type is CA IP with P-Phone enabled and the remote device
is an Adit 600. (If P-Phone isn’t enabled, the setting will list it as disabled.)

2. If groom DS1 settings are correct, skip remaining steps.