Dhcp server configuration examples – H3C Technologies H3C S3600 Series Switches User Manual
Page 666
To do…
Use the command…
Display lease expiration
display dhcp server expired
{ ip ip-address | pool
[ pool-name ] | interface
[ interface-type
interface-number ] | all }
Display the free IP addresses
display dhcp server free-ip
Display information about
address binding
display dhcp server ip-in-use
{ ip ip-address | pool
[ pool-name ] | interface
[ interface-type
interface-number ] | all }
Display the statistics on a
DHCP server
display dhcp server
Display information about
DHCP address pool tree
display dhcp server tree
{ pool [ pool-name ] | interface
[ interface-type
interface-number ] | all }
Clear IP address conflict
reset dhcp server conflict
{ all | ip ip-address }
Clear dynamic address binding
reset dhcp server ip-in-use
{ ip ip-address | pool
[ pool-name ] | interface
[ interface-type
interface-number ] | all }
Clear the statistics on a DHCP
reset dhcp server statistics
Available in user view
Executing the save command will not save the lease information on a DHCP server to the flash memory.
Therefore, the configuration file contains no lease information after the DHCP server restarts or you
clear the lease information by executing the reset dhcp server ip-in-use command. In this case, any
lease-update requests will be denied, and the clients must apply for IP addresses again.
DHCP Server Configuration Examples
Currently, DHCP networking can be implemented in two ways. One is to deploy the DHCP server and
DHCP clients in the same network segment. This enables the clients to communicate with the server
directly. The other is to deploy the DHCP server and DHCP clients in different network segments. In this
case, IP address assigning is carried out through DHCP relay agent. Note that DHCP server
configuration is the same in both scenarios.