Dhcp test, Network requirements, Network diagram – H3C Technologies H3C S3600 Series Switches User Manual
Page 1075: Configuration procedure
Packet lost in test: 0%
Disconnect operation number: 0 Operation timeout number: 0
System busy operation number: 0 Connection fail number: 0
Operation sequence errors: 0 Drop operation number: 0
Other operation errors: 0
[Sysname-hwping-administrator-icmp] display hwping history administrator icmp
HWPing entry(admin administrator, tag icmp) history record:
Index Response Status LastRC Time
1 3 1 0 2000-04-02 20:55:12.3
2 4 1 0 2000-04-02 20:55:12.3
3 4 1 0 2000-04-02 20:55:12.2
4 3 1 0 2000-04-02 20:55:12.2
5 3 1 0 2000-04-02 20:55:12.2
For detailed output description, see the corresponding command manual.
Network requirements
Both the HWPing client and the DHCP server are H3C S3600 series Ethernet switches. Perform a
HWPing DHCP test between the two switches to test the time required for the HWPing client to obtain
an IP address from the DHCP server.
Network diagram
Figure 1-3 Network diagram for the DHCP test
Configuration procedure
Configure DHCP Server(Switch B):
Configure DHCP server on Switch B. For specific configuration of DHCP server, refer to the DHCP part
of the manual.
Configure HWPing Client (Switch A):
# Enable the HWPing client.
[Sysname] hwping-agent enable
# Create an HWPing test group, setting the administrator name to administrator and test tag to DHCP.
[Sysname] hwping administrator dhcp
# Configure the test type as dhcp.
[Sysname-hwping-administrator-dhcp] test-type dhcp
# Configure the source interface, which must be a VLAN interface. Make sure the DHCP server resides
on the network connected to this interface.
[Sysname-hwping-administrator-dhcp] source-interface Vlan-interface 1