Email options for pdf mail merges, Pdfs from microsoft project, publisher, and access, Convert visio files to pdf – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
Page 89: Convert visio files

Creating PDFs
Last updated 9/30/2011
Email options for PDF mail merges
Use the pop-up menu to select the field or column in the associated data file that contains the email addresses in
each individual’s record.
Subject Line
Type the text that you want to appear in the subject line of each message.
Type to add or edit text that you want to appear in the body of the email messages.
PDFs from Microsoft Project, Publisher, and Access
There are specific differences to be aware of when you create PDFs from files authored in these applications:
Microsoft Project
You can create PDFs of only the currently selected view. Views designated as nonprintable in Project
cannot be converted to PDF.
Note: Converting Project files requires Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Pro Extended.
Microsoft Publisher
PDFs converted from Microsoft Publisher support crop marks, links, bookmarks, spot colors,
transparency, bleed marks, printing bleed marks, and CMYK color conversion.
Microsoft Access
When creating PDFs from Access files, the process can involve two additional steps:
You must select the object in the Access file to be created as a PDF before using the PDFMaker button or command.
You can choose Adobe PDF > Convert Multiple Reports To Single Adobe PDF. For Access 2007, click Acrobat and
then click Convert Multiple Reports. You can select individual reports that you want to include, and click Add
Report(s). When all of the reports that you want to convert appear in the Reports In Adobe PDF list, click Convert
to start creating the PDF.
Note: When you convert an Access file to PDF, Access tables, queries, forms, and reports are converted.
Convert Visio files to PDF
PDFs created from Visio files preserve page sizes and support layers, searchable text, custom properties, links,
bookmarks, and comments, depending on the conversion settings. (Choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Settings
to review these settings, if needed.)
When you convert your Visio file, only shapes and guides that are printable and visible in the Visio drawing are
converted and appear in the PDF. Shapes are converted regardless of their protection or behavior. Shape custom
properties can be converted to PDF object data.
When you convert the Visio file to a PDF, you can preserve all or just some layers, or you can flatten all layers. If you
flatten layers, the PDF will look like the original drawing, but won’t contain any layer information. When flattened,
the contents of only visible and printable layers will appear in the converted PDF.
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Convert Visio files
1 If you want to change the PDFMaker conversion settings, open Visio and choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion
Settings. (For information about a setting, place the pointer over the setting to display a tool tip below.)
2 If you want to convert each page in the Visio file to a bookmarked page in the PDF file, choose Adobe PDF >
Convert All Pages In Drawing. If this option is deselected, only the current page is converted.