Specify privileged locations for trusted content, Restrict urls and attachments in pdfs, Trust manager preferences – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
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Last updated 9/30/2011
For certified PDFs, trust the signer’s certificate for privileged network operations, such as networking, printing, and
file access. (See “
Set the trust level of a certificate
Control cross-domain access using a server-based policy file. (See the Cross Domain Security document at
Specify privileged locations for trusted content
Enhanced security provides a way to specify locations for trusted content. These privileged locations can be single files,
folders, or root URLs (host domains). Content that resides in a privileged location is trusted. For example, enhanced
security normally blocks PDFs from loading data from unknown websites. If you add the data’s origin (its host
domain) to your list of privileged locations, Acrobat and Reader allow loading the data. For details, see the Enhanced
1 With enhanced security enabled, select the type of location to add to the Privileged Locations section in the
Enhanced Security pane:
Files Select this option if you only have one or two files from a location that you want to add. If you have many files
you know you can trust, it can be more practical to place them into one privileged PDF folder.
Folders If you have many files that you trust, it can be more practical to place them into one privileged PDF folder.
Host Enter the name of the root URL only. For example, you can enter www.adobe.com, but not
www.adobe.com/products. To only allow higher privileges for files accessed from secure connections, select the
option for Secure Connections Only (https:).
2 Click OK to complete the task.
Restrict URLs and attachments in PDFs
Acrobat and Reader warn you any time you try to open a URL (website) or a file attachment that uses a disallowed file
type. URLs and disallowed file types are potentially dangerous because they can transfer or run programs, macros, or
viruses that can damage your computer. Examples of disallowed file types include .exe and .zip files.
You can allow your product to contact specific websites by adding those URLs to your list of allowed websites in the
Trust Manager preferences. Or, you can allow all URLs. In the Trust Manager preferences, click Change Settings on
the right to see a list of trusted and blocked sites to edit. Remove any URLs you no longer want to visit. To open file
attachments in your product, respond to a prompt by indicating that you always allow files of that type. The file type
is then added to a list stored in the registry. To restrict a file type that you permitted in the past, reset this list to its
default settings in the Trust Manager preferences. You can assign additional trust in the Enhanced Security
Trust Manager preferences
To open the Trust Manager preferences, open the Preferences dialog box, and select Trust Manager on the left.
Allow Opening Of Non-PDF File Attachments With External Applications
When selected, allows file attachments to
start external applications when you open the files. You must have the external applications to open the files.
Note: For security reasons, certain file types (such as .zip and .exe files) cannot be saved or opened with Acrobat. Acrobat
products maintain a registry/plist-level black and white list of file types that can be saved and opened with Acrobat. You
cannot change this list by using the Acrobat interface. The only way to change the list is by manually editing the registry,
which is not recommended. Although Acrobat allows you to attach files that cannot be saved or opened from the program,
this practice is also not recommended.