Set multimedia properties for legacy media, Set acrobat 6.0-compatible properties – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
Page 352

Editing PDFs
Last updated 9/30/2011
Player List
Click Add to specify a player and the settings that are required, preferred, or disallowed to play the video
clip. Select the name of the player, the minimum version number of the player, and the status. If you set the status of
more than one player to Required, only one of the required players may be used to play the rendition. If you set the
status of players to Preferred, these players are selected over nonpreferred players (but not over required players). If
you set the status of players to Disallowed, they are not used to play the rendition.
Playback Location
Use this tab to determine whether a video clip is played in the PDF, remains hidden while played
(recommended for sound clips), is played in a floating window, or is played full screen. When Floating Window is
selected, you can add a title, set the window position, and let the user resize or close the window. Note that the user’s
preference settings may require (or ignore) title bar text for playback.
The window position is determined relative to the document window, application window, or, for dual-monitor
configurations, the virtual desktop or primary desktop. You may also specify the width and height of the floating
window. Click Get From Media to obtain the video clip’s dimensions, if available, and then edit as necessary.
System Requirements
Use this tab to choose the minimum settings for systems on which the video clip is played. For
example, you can require that a user have at least a 1024-by-768 screen resolution to play the video clip. For options
such as Play Dubbed Audio, you can select Either, Disabled, or Enabled. If you select Either, you defer to the settings
in the user’s Multimedia panel of the Preferences dialog box. If you select Disabled or Enabled, the corresponding
setting in Multimedia preferences must allow the rendition to be used. For example, if the Play Dubbed Audio option
is enabled, the rendition may be used only if the Play Dubbed Audio preference option is selected.
Playback Requirements
Use this tab to select which attributes are required for the rendition to be played. The
attributes on this tab include settings from the other tabs, letting you indicate which ones are required. For example,
if you set the volume to 50% in the Playback Requirements tab, and you don’t want the rendition to be played unless
this volume level can be used, make sure the Required box next to Volume is selected.
Set multimedia properties for legacy media
When you add legacy multimedia content to a PDF, several multimedia properties are available for compatibility with
earlier versions of Acrobat.
You can specify properties for Acrobat 6.0 compatible multimedia files and Acrobat 5.0 compatible multimedia files.
For example, you can specify the appearance of a video play area, and whether the video plays once or continuously.
The compatibility version you choose determines the features that are available to you. For example, to include
alternate renditions with a multimedia file, choose Acrobat 6.0 compatibility.
Set Acrobat 6.0-compatible properties
1 Select the Video tool
, the Sound tool
, or the Select Object tool
, and then double-click the play area.
2 Click the Settings tab in the Multimedia Properties dialog box.
3 Type the title of the video in the Annotation Title box. This title does not determine which media file is played.
4 Type a description of the media file in the Alternate Text box. This description may be read aloud for visually
impaired viewers.
5 To change media settings, such as showing player controls and setting the volume level, select the media clip
rendition, and click Edit Rendition. (For a description of rendition settings, see “
page 344.) Click OK to return to the Multimedia Properties dialog box.
6 To add alternate renditions, such as low-resolution files, click Add Rendition, and specify the file source for the
rendition (from file, URL, or existing rendition).
7 Click the Appearance tab to select options to determine the border appearance of the play area and the poster