Search index files of cataloged pdfs, Search features preferences – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
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Searching and indexing
Last updated 9/30/2011
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Use parentheses to specify the order of evaluation of terms. For example, type white AND (whale OR ahab) to find
all documents that contain either white and whale or white and ahab. (The query processor performs an OR query on
whale and ahab and then performs an AND query on those results with white.
To learn more about Boolean queries, syntax, and other Boolean operators that you can use in your searches, refer to
any standard text, website, or other resource with complete Boolean information.
Search index files of cataloged PDFs
A full-text index is created when someone uses Acrobat to define a catalog of PDFs. You can search that index rather
than running a full-text search of each individual PDF in the catalog. An index search produces a results list with links
to the occurrences of the indexed documents.
Note: To search a PDF index, you must open Acrobat as a stand-alone application, not within your web browser.
In Mac OS, indexes created with some older versions of Acrobat are not compatible with the Acrobat 9 Search feature.
If you have upgraded recently, update the index before using Acrobat 9 to search.
1 Choose Edit > Search.
2 Type the search text, and then click Use Advanced Search Options.
3 For Look In, choose Select Index.
4 Select an index from the list, or click Add and add an index. Repeat as needed.
Note: To read file data about a selected index, click Info. To exclude an index from the search, select it and click Remove.
5 Click OK to close the Index Selection dialog box, and then choose Currently Selected Indexes from the Look In menu.
6 Proceed with your search as usual.
Note: Selecting the Match Whole Word Only option when searching indexes significantly reduces the time taken to return
More Help topics
Search features preferences
In the Preferences dialog box under Categories, select Search.
Ignore Asian Character Width
Finds both half-width and full-width instances of the Asian language characters in the
search text.
Ignore Diacritics And Accents
Finds the search terms with any variation of the alphabetical characters. For example,
typing cafe finds both cafe and café. Likewise, typing café finds both versions. If this option isn’t selected, typing cafe
doesn’t find café, and vice versa.
Always Use Advanced Search Options
Makes the advanced options available in the Search window, in addition to the
basic options.
Show Document Title In Search Results
Displays document titles in search results. If a document does not have a title,
displays the filename. When unselected, displays filenames in search results.
Enable Search Highlights From External Highlight Server
Enables highlighted search results when using an external
server, such as a web-based search mechanism.